Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Auto Repair Tech Support

Most of my family knows that I'm a huge Internet addict who is online all the time.  As a result, I'm usually the go to person for questions about online shopping, social media, the ever popular "hey, is this email forward true?" questions, the most useful websites, and things like that.  That's how I recently found myself researching the best San Diego auto repair shops despite the fact that I live all the way across the country.

See, my cousin lives in San Diego, and she asked me to help her find a place when her Ford F-150 started acting up.  It still cracks me up to think of her driving a big truck truck like that, cause I'm not a big car person at all.  Her husband was the one who picked it out - but no jokes about women drivers here, she handles it just as well as he does.  That's actually part of the reason why she was looking for a new auto shop - at the place she was using before, let's just say that some of the men who worked there were having a hard time grasping the concept that a woman might actually be a really good driver and know a little something about cars.

So, even though I'm personally not that knowledgeable about car issues (I know enough to know when something's wrong and not to ignore the check engine light and stuff like that, but I'm not an expert), I was able to get online and help her out by finding a site with a directory of auto shops along with customer reviews and a lot of basic car info to help the car challenged among us understand more about what's going on before we make the trip to one of those auto shops.  Just call me auto repair tech support.

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