Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Man vs. Food

Guest post from: Joe Castro

My favorite travel show is Man vs Food. It's basically about a guy who travels all over the United States - and sometimes beyond - trying all kinds of famous foods and the dishes that put places on the map. Adam, the host, is a big, jolly guy who loves to eat and makes the best faces when he's tasting something for the first time, whether it's a great Philadelphia hot dog or a strange Puerto Rican delicacy.

I watch the show all the time and I've pretty much seen every episode. I have direct tv, so I can watch it whenever I want - my husband gets annoyed sometimes, but I don't bug him when he's watching football, so he'll just have to deal with it!

I love the way the show gives you a great look at both foods and major cities. I mean, if you're going to travel, you'll eventually have to branch out and eat something there - you won't have a choice. I like to think that the next time I go on vacation, I'll go to one of Adam's spots and I'll already know exactly what I should eat, because he's already done it for me.

Plus - and this might just be me - but I think Adam's pretty cute, too.