Thursday, April 5, 2012

Giving My Kitchen A New Look

It's officially spring and the weather's been beautiful here lately, which means that I've started on some spring cleaning, working on getting the yard ready for spring, and I've also been thinking about things around my house and garden that I can freshen up and redecorate.

One room that I'd really like to work on this spring is my kitchen. I'd love to update it a little bit and give it more of a modern feel. I've been looking through some home magazines and blogs for ideas and one thing that I'm really liking right now is the idea of using stainless steel tile for a backsplash. It looks really sleek and clean.

So I've been researching stainless steel tiles a little bit and it turns out that they're just as easy to install as ceramic or other types of tile. I found one great site that has tons of options to choose from, and you can even order samples of the different styles so that you can see what the tile will really look and feel like before you commit to ordering it. I'm really liking this stainless "brick" option:

Does anyone have any experience with using metal tiles in a kitchen backsplash, or in any other room in your house? Do you like the look? Any pros and cons that I should think about before I go for it?

Happy Endings

Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

My husband’s and my favorite new show is Happy Endings. It’s such a funny show, and the camaraderie between the characters is awesome. It’s basically like Friends but a lot more modern and risqué. I guess risqué is actually a synonym for modern, now that I think about it. But I digress. In any event, the show cracks us up every single week and we look forward to watching it. The best thing about having a favorite show that you share with your spouse is that you get to have a standing date every single week. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day grind of work that you kind of forget to spend time with your significant other. I’m obviously not saying that sitting on the couch watching television is necessarily quality time, but I think that any time spent together is better than nothing. As busy as we all are, even having that one hour carved out each week is a great way to recharge together. Check out the DIRECTV listings to find out when you can catch Happy Endings in your city.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quick Tip: Tuna & Apple

Today for lunch I tried a great tip that I took from a recipe that I read in Women's Health magazine. If you want to make yourself tuna salad for a sandwich or whatever, try making it with chopped apple instead of celery. It's such a small change but it really makes a nice difference - you still get a nice crunch like you would get with celery, but the apple provides a little sweetness and a bit of a different texture. It's yummy and healthy. I like it with crackers or on a bed of greens. Give it a try!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Music Monday: Madonna

So what does everyone think of the new Madonna album? Does the Material Girl still have it or should she give it up? Here's one of her new songs, "Girl Gone Wild".