Monday, January 24, 2011

Vacation in the Sun

It's about ten degrees here today and there's been a ton of snow on the ground for weeks. So, to stay sane, I've started thinking about vacation planning. I think that's perfectly reasonable. After all, seasonal affective disorder is serious business and should be avoided at all costs.

I was talking to a friend about vacations and she was telling me about a trip to Spain that she took with a group of friends last year. Instead of staying in a hotel, they rented some apartments in Costa del Sol. She said it really worked out great because it gave them plenty of space, the freedom to do their own thing, and was actually pretty affordable when compared with staying at a resort.  They spent their days lounging on the beach and nights eating yummy Spanish food.

Now, the idea of visiting a place that has the word sun right in the name sounds extra appealing here in freezing cold January.  But this story kinda sounded too good to be true. I figured she had to have some kind of connections that hooked her up, or just a really rich friend. I was wrong though - turns out they made their travel arrangements on this site that does holiday property rentals. I checked it out and there are so many beautiful properties to choose from, and a pretty wide price range.  It's really a great idea when you think about it, and doesn't the phrase holiday villas sound a lot nicer than Holiday Inn?

So, now that I know that it's actually within reach to take a trip like this (well, with a little bit of saving up and brushing up on my Spanish), I've been reading this guide to Costa del Sol and doing some research on Spain in general.  I'm a total foodie so I know that I'll be in heaven as far as eating goes, and I'm a history buff so I would be really interested to explore the history of Spain, which is something that I don't know too much about.  Fantasy travel planning is in full swing.

...oh yeah, and did I mention that it's really sunny there?

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